Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Being twenty...

So it's my birthday today. (Inner thought: I'M TWENTY! HOW OLD) So twenty is probably not that old.. in the real world. HAHA but in Utah, it is. Two of my greatest friends are getting married this weekend, both of whom are 19. CRAzY. Today has been a good day tho. I've actually had fun and enjoyed it. My love snet me an email and that made my day. My boss and his wife took me out to lunch, since it was his birthday today too. Oh and my dad got me some flowers, tender huh. :)

Thursday, December 6, 2007


That day on that bench is when it all began,
What a lovely Spring day it was,
Your face so perfectly sound,
My heart beating for you,
I drift to that day oft,
The wind was blowing just swiftly,
We could feel her fingertips touch our cheeks,
Our place, that holy place,
That place that knows us so well,
Us and our love,
I love you,
Three words and three letters,
Each with such an intense meaning,
But only you and I know,
I hold it dear in my heart,
As I hold you my love,
You are apart from me now,
Yet closer than ever,
Hold on to Hope you say,
Our Hope of love,
I'll hold on dearest,
If you hold on to my hand too

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Salt Lake City

I had the amazing blessing of singing in the Joseph Smith Building and at the Assembly hall in Salt Lake City not too long ago. I could feel the spirit as I was singing and it stirred all my emotions. The air was cold in Salt Lake, the snow was falling, and it was beautiful. Christmas is THEE most wonderful time of the year. I was able to hang out a little bit with Tara and Mandy. I really enjoyed talking with them that day. :)


I decided. I am switching my major. (Thanks a ton Clare. :P ) I want to major in Graphic Design. And yes I'll be going to SUU. BYU has a BFA too..but, I doubt I'll ever get into that school. It could still be a posibility right? I'm excited for it. I'll be getting my Associates of Science in the summer. I would this spring but I have to take a nutrition class that is already full. Next semester is going to be so much harder. 17 credits and a part time job along with all the other surprises that will be thrown at me I'm sure. Phew.. But I'm taking design classes and I'm pumped for that.

Can I tell you all how much I love my job? Working with the McInnes is the best. I feel so knowledgeable in insurance. SO, If you ever have a question on your bill or anything about insurance, JUST HOLLER. :D

I know that there are many people that say time heals everything... time is perhaps your greatest friend or your worst enemy. In my case, it is both. I want time to go by fast... but at the same time I want it to slow down because I want to do so much. I have begun to find a variety of passions. And with everything that is around me and because of all the things I have to do, I don't have the time to exercise my passions.

One day. I want to just drive. To take my car and camera and stop on the side of the road and take pictures of everything that my I see. There is so much beauty in the world and I want to capture it.

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

A quick view at things...

It is quite challenging to write that first post. I don't even know if anyone will even read this.. HaHa. But thats okay. I'm going to give you a quick view at things.
I am going to turn 20 soon!
The semester is almost over so i'm excited!
My best friend and love now lives in Taiwan..Phew its hard.
Two of my greatest friends, AshBash and Bree (Ashley and Brianne) are getting MARRIED! On the same weekend.
I want to throw a Girl's night for AshBash. but I don't even know were to start. Any ideas?
Thats it for now. But i'm sure i'll be putting other things up here soon. Like pictures! I'm at work right now...and should really be working right? I better get to it. ^o^ That is Ashley and I up top.