Thursday, January 31, 2008

How is it so?

How is it so?

How is a person remembered or known as a person of good? I think that they would have had to of helped a lot of people. Changed lives. Even if it is just one. The power of one. This individual was President Gordon. B. Hinckley. What a man was he. Incredible. When I heard about his passing I was truely sad. I loved him. Such a sweet man of good and honesty that glowed.
I'd like to tell you about a time I got to see him. He came to Dixie College of Utah when I was about 14-15. He was amazing. I was pretty close to him and could feel his magic. After his incredible talk we all left the place in high spirit. After I had a reporter come to me and ask me what I felt. I told her words could not describe what I felt. I was honest in what I had told her. It was later published in the newspaper and I have in now in my journal. I cried for him that night. He's been the only prophet I have known. But he is happy now. Living a life we know not.

I know he is next to our Heavenly Father

Friday, January 25, 2008

The Power Of Heaven

The power of Heaven. How beatiful it is that we have the love of God. He is always there when we need him. I feel I have left him a bit. There are so many emotions right now going through me. I feel vulnerable and a bit scared. I'm thinking about the future. It seems so uncertain right now. But I have to stay strong and I have to stand on Holy grown. I think that once you get older your faith is tested so much more. There is a maturity that happens to you. I am at this point right now. I have to keep trying thought, If I stop then I would have truely failed.

I cannot fail.

There is so much more out there that I have to do and accomplish. But it is hard. I need to pray and get closer to my Heavenly Father. Have you had a moment like this? Have you almost given up?

I've been thinking about the Temple, and how I want to go there someday. With the man that I love. I love you... But is it you I am supposed to go with? I miss you like you have no idea. I miss you more than I thought I would. It is heartbreaking not to have the person you love by your side. For those of you that have your love, cherish them. God has given you the opportunity to love and grow together. Don't take that for granted.

How do you fight a feeling of uncertainty? When you aren't sure where life is going to take you? I must say I feel a bit alone, its hard to fight this. Where can I find the positive when dark light is making me lost?


I have to remian strong. I cannot despair at this point. Heaven.. Inspire me and help me to be better.This life is filled with purpose. I still have much to do.

Monday, January 21, 2008

How Wonderful..

How wonderful is it to see your friends happy and joyous. Ashley is now a beautiful bride whom I love very much. Her and Chase are my favorite. Then there is Yesenia and Scott. I
wasnt able to be at their wedding but I am glad she is also a bride. HORRAY FOR LOVE.

Christmas Days.. What Beautiful Days.

Christmas Days are always so beautiful! I think that this Christmas might have been my last one with my family. (Because I'm thinkin about a mission) If i do indeed go i will probably leave before Christmas 2008. This Christmas was really fun! We had a huge Fiesta with other people from our ward at Bro. Najera's house. So SO SOOO much food. I think I gained like ten pounds. The thing with being Hispanic is that we always do things BIG. We had food... music.. and danced the night away.

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Christmas Party

I'm wearing Frosty the Snow Man's hat! The little kids beat if off the pinata and gave it to me. :)
Parties are always so fun. This year for our ward Christmas party we had a blast. There were pinatas and comida (thats food in espanol) and kids running all over the place. Just lovely. I mostly just sat and talked with the elders, Elder Venturi and Elder Porter. AWESOME FOLKS I TELL YOU.

Elder Venturi and Elder Porter holding a little angel. HA, you know what they say.. Elders are angels.