Tuesday, August 12, 2008

The Mission... Just around the corner

As you know.. I have been working on my mission papers. (YAY!) I thought I would give you all an update on things..

I have gotten all my medical stuff done. ( 3 shots and blood drawn was not very fun..) I need to fill a few more things out and they will be in to my president. He will look throught them and then they go to the stake president. That is very exciting. And nerve wracking at the same time. Once I get my call I can go to the temple.. that is what lingers most in my mind. THE TEMPLE. Funny story.. So I went to get my medical stuff and Dr. Thompson was excited for me! So much that he has been the FIRST PERSON to guess where I will be called.. his guess: Washington DC! So I think we should start guessing where I will be going.. Hehe..

I have the greatest blessing of an amazing home ward. I was able to go last last sunday and bear my testimony to them and I could feel their love. I have so much support from them that it brought me to tears. It was a great feeling. They all want to chip in and help me for my mission. What more can I ask for?

This are going great. I have come to learn that as we do what is right and asked of us the blessing will just pour down. The lord knows us and what we do and what is in our hearts. I know he knows my heart. I love this gospel.. I still have so much more to go before i am even close to being ready.. but its time to go forward and do it. He loves me..